Recent content by windndust

  1. W

    OOPS: McGraw-Hill Dropped From iPad Launch

    If the people's reaction on this site are any indication, I'm going with tech people aren't the market.
  2. W

    Man Arrested Robbing RuneScape Characters

    ^ and look ^ My three years of schooling hasn't even allowed me to quote properly in comments on tom's guide. I obviously have a long way to go before I attain hacker status like the guy mentioned in the article.
  3. W

    Man Arrested Robbing RuneScape Characters

    The word "hacker" has a wide array of definitions. However, I think most were created by the media and their lack of understanding of the computer science world. I'm a 3rd year Software Engineering student and I haven't the ego to call myself a hacker.
  4. W

    Chicago Museum T-Rex Killed by Throat Infection

    FYI sue's gender is unknown. The skeleton was named after the researcher who found it
  5. W

    Epic: Ureal Engine 4 Not Until ''Next Gen''

    FUtomNOregThey left out the part where they said it will debut on Duke Nukem Forever. I appreciate the humor in the this statement. seven years is a long time to develop an engine especially if you haven't completed the engine that's supposed to release before it. That's like microsoft...