Recent content by wmalinowski

  1. W

    Play Historic Games in Your Browser From the Internet Archive

    “We've hand-selected a few dozen ground-breaking and historically important software products, many of whom started entire industries or pioneered new genres of programs.” Yet, they have like game like E.T.
  2. W

    Consumers Won't Pay Xbox One Second Account Installation Fee, Shops Will

    Nice going Microsoft..... By the way microsoft, How are your ever determine who sold a used game in the first place? Back to my PC and Wii U.....
  3. W

    Consumers Won't Pay Xbox One Second Account Installation Fee, Shops Will

    Nice going Microsoft..... By the way microsoft, How are your ever determine who sold a used game in the first place? Back to my PC and Wii U.....
  4. W

    Consumers Won't Pay Xbox One Second Account Installation Fee, Shops Will

    Nice going Microsoft..... By the way microsoft, How are your ever determine who sold a used game in the first place? Back to my PC and Wii U.....
  5. W

    Man Will Change Name Legally for Apple WWDC 2012 Ticket

    I think some people like Apple products WAY too much......
  6. W

    Rumor: Electronic Arts Letting Go of 500 to 1,000 Workers

    If we are luckily, CEO (and some managers) will be first to go......
  7. W

    Judge: Code Can't Be Stolen Because It Isn't Property

    It does not matter the code is sold or not. The code was to be used internal by GS (which would classify as private property ). This guy took the code without authorization by GS. That my definition of a thief. Off with the hands....
  8. W

    Congressmen Want Warning Labels on All Games

    jimoreonhaha, congressmen should read your comment LOL Remember, they are not computer greeks. They wont come here.
  9. W

    Congressmen Want Warning Labels on All Games

    Maybe we warning label on congressmen for stupidity......
  10. W

    Yahoo is Suing Facebook Over 10 Patents

    Whoopiee..... Another patent lawsuit. That's all we needed.
  11. W

    Anonymous Threatens Attack on Facebook for January 28

    Who gives a damn? I have no respect any group(s) who attack behind the shadows(or computers. Toms Hardware stop reporting this crap. All they want is attention and what you are giving them.
  12. W

    Obama Says: Steve Jobs Deserves to be Rich

    Some family of former foxcomm employees might to happen to disagree, Mr. President
  13. W

    Mickey D's Gets Hacked; Customer Info Gets Stolen

    Wow......A hacker got in to Mcd's database and stole email address . Must feel a real man /sarcasm. Some people need to get a life......
  14. W

    Woman Illegally Fired Over Facebook Remarks

    "The board says that her comments are protected speech under labor laws, and is virtually no different that talking at the water cooler." WTF? So talking around water cooler that two people might hear is same as putting Facebook page in which a million people could see it. Nice thinking...