Recent content by wordofmitch

  1. wordofmitch

    Camera advice 4k

    Hi there, I own an a6300 and love it. I pair it with a Panasonic G7 which is a cheaper alternative to the GH4/GH5. I have had a few issues with the overheating on my a6300 only when shooting in 4K. I was shooting outdoors (under shade) in Australia in about 28 degree dry heat and the camera...
  2. wordofmitch

    Replace d90 (Dslr) with a compact (rx100 II)

    The Sony RX100 II is a great camera. I have had little personal use with it but from what I have heard in numerous reviews and recommendations its considered one of the better point and shoots out there, especially if video is your goal. As always, I would do a search and read some reviews to...
  3. wordofmitch

    Is there a 4K video camera for shooting a 24-hour long outdoor video?

    Hi, Sorry no one has got to your question sooner, There is really only one way of acheiving all of what you are asking and its not cheap. You will need to invest in a production camera that can output to either HDMI or SDI. The camera will then feed into a disk storage device with enough...
  4. wordofmitch

    Good DSLR Camera under $500?

    I'd go for Canon personally. A few things to look out for when buying a DSLR. All of these cameras are interchangable lens cameras and as such you'll be investing in that brands particular lens range. Both manufacturers generally have good lens ranges but Canon's is more diverse. Also, many 3rd...
  5. wordofmitch

    tapes not playing

    Hi there, I work for an archival company in Australia and as such I work with cameras much like yours on a day-to-day basis. There could be a number of reasons you camera is doing this. First the simple things: Check to make sure your camera is in playback mode. A black screen with timecode...
  6. wordofmitch

    Sony vs Canon camera

    > Buy the Canon SX720 HS if: - You only want to take stills photography - You want the extra zoom reach - You want to save some money > Buy the Sony DSC-HX90V if: - You want better video quality - You want better auto features - You plan on doing more sports/fast moving photography But both of...
  7. wordofmitch

    Images are neither viewable on camera nor on pc

    Hi there, I work for an archiving and data recovery company in Australia and constantly work with SD cards with the same problems as yours. There are, as Bjornl said earlier, many programs that recover lost, formatted or hidden data. However, there are only a few programs that will 'repair'...
  8. wordofmitch

    Nikon Coolpix L840 won't turn on anymore.

    Hi there, I am sorry that you are having problems with your camera. There are a few things we can try to rule out what is going wrong with your camera. First step is to test if the problem lies with the battery. If you have access to a second battery, have you tried that? If not the camera may...
  9. wordofmitch

    Nikon D3400 not reading SD card

    I agree with Bodichka. For the most part SD cards are prone to failing for a number of reasons. 1) Try to reformat the card either in the camera, if that fails attempt to format using Windows or Mac. If you need help with manually formatting an SD card you can ask me for further directions...
  10. wordofmitch

    looking for camera advice on panasonic

    This may seem simple, but are the photos JPEGs? Did you take RAW photos? RAW photos aren't usually supported natively by most programs and may require codec upgrades/updates..
  11. wordofmitch

    I've been using my SD card for the 3 years I've had my canon eos 1000D and now when I insert it, it cannot be formatted. Stuck

    Hi there, First off I would check if your PC/Mac recognizes the card. Plug the card into a PC/Mac and wait for it to show up. If it doesn't appear you may want to check 'Disk management' on PC or 'Disk utility' on Mac. Unfortunately, at this point, if the SD card isn't listed it is more than...
  12. wordofmitch

    can flash be opened without cf card

    I assume you mean can you use the flash functionality on your camera while there is no card in the camera? If so make sure you go through your settings and find an option to release shutter while there is no card present. This should enable you to use the flash while no card is present. Goodluck
  13. wordofmitch

    Action cameras and drones

    I am a little sus on the camera still. Make sure you watch/read plenty of reviews first!