Forum discussion tagged with 760.
  1. F

    should I buy a 760?

    hello I am deciding between gh4, nx500 and 760d. I already used 760, 5d, eos m3, 500d, 700d, hdr fx7, fx1000e, arri amira, black magic ursa and sony a77 I only have 5D, M3, 700d and 500d. I think 760 is sharp enough and a little bit good in low light. gh4 records 4k but I will downscale it...
  2. W

    Which Laptop would be more bang for my buck?

    Im choosing between this ASUS http://www.microcenter.com/product/421115/N56JR-MH71_156_Laptop_Computer_-_Black_Aluminum#tab-specs and this Leveno http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834313584 I want to know which one will get better performance. Graphics wise and General...