amplifier connection

Forum discussion tagged with amplifier connection.
  1. timingsnow

    Question Issue with trying to run a car amp off a server power supply

    I'm using an HSTNS-PL30 server power supply to power a jbl bp1200.1 subwoofer amp at home. I've attached 4 gauge wires to the power supply and connected them to the amp; when the wires aren't connected to the amp, the power supply powers on just fine, the light turns on (green), and it outputs...
  2. E

    Solved! Connecting Haier TV to Altec Lansing amplifier.

    I have a small Haier TV to which I have connected an Altec Lansing amplifier (VS2421). The connection is achieved through a 3.5 mm headphone jack on the TV and a pair of RCA connectors on the Altec Lansing. The Altec consists of a base speaker box with the power connection, 2 RCA speaker...