Budget Pc

Forum discussion tagged with Budget Pc.
  1. D

    Can you help me finish my build?

    Dear Experts, I would like to build my own computer. Mostly gaming and video streaming. This is what I've got so far: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/xqbCsY My budget is around €300. If you have any tips or tweaks that would work better for my purposes, please give them. I thank you all in advance...
  2. M

    Would this make a good gaming pc?

    CPU: Intel Core i5 4670 Prozessor http://www.amazon.de/Intel-BX80646I54460-I5-4460-Quad-Core-Prozessor/dp/B00K5J2306/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1421000148&sr=8-2&keywords=Intel+Core+i5 GPU: NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GDDR5-2GB-2xHDMI-Graphics-GV-N75TOC-2GI/dp/B00IGQ4UX8 RAM...