Choosing a Laptop

Forum discussion tagged with Choosing a Laptop.
  1. C

    URGENT opinion on buying

    hi there i need urgent advice for buying a laptop (not for gaming). it has to be a really cheap until i get $$ enough for a pc, so i found this one ... FeaturesPortable 15.6 ''...
  2. U

    buying new laptop

    hey guys should I get..... 1. INTEL i7 4750hq (2ghz quad core 8 thread released 2013ddr3) with a NVidia 960gtx graphics and 8gb ram ddr3 and a 1tb hdd, 2. or AMD a10 9600p ( 2.4ghz quad core released june 2016 ddr4 ) and radeon r7 440 graphics 16gb ram ddr4 and with 248gb ssd drive? mainlywill...
  3. T

    Less worse solution

    Hi everyone, I'm buying new laptop these days and I' m on very very limited budget. I will mostly use it for office and browsing but in very close future I hope I could manage to do decent work in AutoCad. I had narrow my choice on these 2. The one has weaker processor,but dedicated...