I am senior citizen with hearing deficiency. I do not like to wear hearing aid. I have difficulty in hearing when somebody talks on cell phone. The tak from other side is not clear or loud enough. what is the solution
I am very senior citizen. I am having some hearing deficiency. I am NOT using hearing aid. I have nokia asha 210 phone. even though I am able to hear talk but sometime I miss some words. These words are not clear. what type of gadget I can use for hearing talks clearly. I do not use phone for...
i just downloaded the latest star citizen launcher from rsi and norton said that it was a high security risk and erased it. what should i do? i want to play the game because i think that its completely legit, but norton doesnt
The Syrian Customers Department has reportedly banned the use of iPhones in an effort to keep documentation of the current protests under wraps.
Syria Bans the iPhone to Silence Citizen Journalists : Read more
To Verizon CEO:
I am a senior citizen who has a VErizon cell phone. I have over $100.00 on the phone, yet I do not use even $5.00 worth in a month. They say I have to top up at least $15.00 a month. This is a rip off. I want a $60.00 a year contract. Can I have this?
For many a US citizen, an Apple store is not an oddity. In fact, with 209 stores worldwide, to most people, an Apple store is nothing to note. What is a little surprising....
Countdown begins for first Aussie Apple Store : Read more