efi drive

Forum discussion tagged with efi drive.
  1. D

    Question HELP! Accidentally formated Windows EFI/ESP partition!

    While I was trying to format a different drive I accidentally formatted the EFI partition, now I'm aware that this contains important windows boot data. The computer is still on, so it's still working. I've been trying to recover the data but all programs are licensed. How do I recover the data...
  2. A

    Basics of EFI, UEFI, and Bios. Please help me learn this

    I am confused how all of these work. I can somehow use them correctly, but i want to make sure i know what is happening. Here are some of my confusions: I like windows, but i hate mac. I also have like... no money... and only macs. I have an old hard drive from my laptop, and I plug it in...