
Forum discussion tagged with Flashlight.
  1. viveknayyar007

    Flashlight and Camera Lock Screen Guide for iPhone X

    The lock screen of your iPhone X has Flashlight and Camera shortcuts that must be hard-pressed to access their corresponding apps right from the lock screen itself. Hard-pressing is the feature that requires 3D Touch in your iPhone to be enabled, and because it is enabled by default, the...
  2. M

    my lg TV picture doesn't work

    my lg TV was on and the picture sound everything was perfect but then suddenly the screen went pitch black and there was no picture i tried turning it off then back on but the screen is still pitch black can you please tell me how to get my lg tv picture working again thank you
  3. L

    Did I Screwed up my Laptop big time? This is regarding a magnetic Flashlight.

    Did I Screwed up my Laptop big time? This is regarding a magnetic Flashlight, I didn't realize that it was magnet at the time. ( My stupid fault ) Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Alienware M14XR2 Intel(r) Core(tm) i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60Ghz 6:00 GB (5.88 GB usable)...