IPS Display

Forum discussion tagged with IPS Display.
  1. D

    Question Image retention/Burn in on IPS laptop screen

    Hey everyone, I accidentally left my laptop (G14 2022) running YouTube since I fell asleep using it and it ran for maybe 2, 3 hours instead of going to sleep and when I woke up and turned it on I noticed this big smudge across the right side of the screen which, when I looked closer, contained...
  2. Y

    Looking for a 15inch laptop with good Matte IPS display - photo editing

    1. What is your budget? about 1000 euro 2. What is the size of the notebook that you are considering? 15 inch 3. What screen resolution do you want? Min 1920x1080 4. Do you need a portable or desktop replacement laptop? Ideally portable but not 5. How much battery life do you need...