
Forum discussion tagged with Mainframe.
  1. S

    PF keys on a Toshiba laptop?

    Hello, I have a Toshiba lap top -- connected to work -- running a mainframe applicaion that uses pf keys -- how to use the Toshiba keyboard to simulat pf keys in an application
  2. JMcEntegart

    Secret Service Flounders With 1980s Mainframe

    A new report shows that the technology used by the United States Secret Service is so old, it's only operational 60 percent of the time. Secret Service Flounders With 1980s Mainframe : Read more
  3. G

    Intel Ditches Itanium 2 Brand

    Intel is rebranding its mainframe processor, TG Daily has learned. Intel Ditches Itanium 2 Brand : Read more