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Forum discussion tagged with Newsfeed.
  1. Y

    How come a close friend doesn’t appear to me

    How come the posts of a close friend on Facebook doesn’t appear to me on newsfeed?
  2. K

    LG Android - how to change photo from public to friends only on Facebook

    For a friend. changed his profile photo which shows in newsfeed as a public post. He should be able to go in and change it to 'friends only' in the newsfeed. (I can do it on my profile photos once they show in the newsfeed using my Samsung Android). There's no carat in the upper RH corner on...
  3. theguyisback23

    is RSS FEED On non RSS sites possible?

    Is it possible to make a custom url that pops up or shows something like facebook notifications whenever something new or updated takes place? I litterally wanna know a site and if it does update due to a personal harassment and would like to know if an inactive Url updates in a matter of...
  4. A

    I would like to know the date a photo was actually taken not posted to newsfeed on fb

    There is a picture on fb newsfeed that states the date is today. Yes, it was posted today but I want to know when the photo was actually taken
  5. Gourab Sarkar

    Old FB pages getting auto-unliked on liking new pages!

    I see that as I'm liking new pages on FB everyday, the old pages that I had liked some time earlier were automatically getting unliked without any notification. So does this mean that I can like only a limited no. of pages & older pages will be unliked as new pages are liked? Also, I checked...
  6. O

    Facebook only partially loads

    Whenever i open the desktop version of Facebook on my laptop, it only partially loads, or it does load a post or two but never more, however this problem only occur on the desktop version of Facebook, the application works fine on my iPad. i use Google Chrome, and tried to open Facebook with...
  7. viveknayyar007

    Subscribe for iTunes Newsletters and Special Offers In iOS 11

    iTunes newsletters and special offers are two the best ways to remain updated with the latest Apple news and buy Apple products at discounted rates. This not only helps you take decisions as what would be your next Apple app or device to ease your daily tasks but it also saves some of your money...
  8. exfileme

    Feedly Gains 3+ Million Ex-Google Reader Users in 2 Weeks

    Over three million Google Reader users have defected over to Feedly within two short weeks. Feedly Gains 3+ Million Ex-Google Reader Users in 2 Weeks : Read more
  9. exfileme

    Google Reader Petitions Collect Nearly 100K Signatures

    Google Reader fans are flocking to petitions. Meanwhile, FeedBurner is going down while a Digg Reader rises from the ashes. Google Reader Petitions Collect Nearly 100K Signatures : Read more