Packet Loss

Forum discussion tagged with Packet Loss.
  1. P

    Solved! Having a packet loss problem of up to 99%

    Hello, RIG: HP Pavilion HP 15-au010wm I'm having an issue that just sprung up about 5 days ago. Normally when I play games on my computer I have perfect ping, perfect fps Etc. It's a great rig and while I normally don't have problems all of...
  2. D

    effects of laptop overheating

    I have an old laptop(3-4 yrs old approx). Whenever I play dota 2 the fan always keeps running and I get high pings and packet loss. However pingtest results say that I have 0% packet loss. Is there a possibility that the overheating is affecting the wireless adapter? P.S: Eventually the laptop...
  3. S

    Software to continuously monitor packet loss

    Can you help me find one? Software to continuously monitor packet loss. I need one which saves logs at the end, and works exactly like ping [URL or IP] -T from Windows Prompt. I need to know when my ISP is having a loss of packets, because sometimes the tracert command reports more than...