
Forum discussion tagged with Qbasic.
  1. A

    Integration of QBasic to VB

    Is there a possible way how to integrate QBasic program to VB 6.0?
  2. A


    Hello, tell me the steps to download qbasic 4 65
  3. germanmikrowave

    Qbasic Question

    Is it possible to have a statement after you request a INPUT? Such as... INPUT "Enter your name here:", name "STATEMENT HERE" I have already tried a "," and ";" after the variable "name" but it returns as a end of statement error. I know anything after the , or ; is being defined as a variable...
  4. G


    Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?) HI, I have T1000 with DOS2.11.I need Qbasic for this computer. I didn't find a way how to copy files from my home PC computer (DOS5.0) on T1000 (DOS2.11). And finaly Wher I can find software for this more then old T1000? Thanks in advance Marijan