steel series

Forum discussion tagged with steel series.
  1. B

    Question Logitech yeti GX and steel series artic pro headset not working together.

    I’ve had a Steel series artic pro headset for years now, and have always used the mic on the headset today I got a Logitech Yeti GX microphone to try out and for some reason when I plug it in I have no audio through my headset. Anyone have any ideas?? Thank you.
  2. Z

    Solved! Steel Series Artic Wireless PRO Idle Time

    Hi, I usually leave the PC with Spotify running in the background, will it still drain my battery out? Also does ARCTI WIRELESS PRO has RGB? "Arctis Pro" this one.


    How do you TOM GUIDE feel about promoting a company that cares nothing for their product or their customers. Based on the evidence you layed out about headphones i decided to try out the Arctis 9x and bought them straight from the steel series website. I received the headphones. They didn't...