Forum discussion tagged with TDK.
  1. Can You Help Me Please

    How Do I Format TDK Dual Layer DVD's So That They Don't Give Me An Error When Playing/Recording In My Toshiba D-R410

    I have just bought a 50 pack of Dual-Layer DVD Discs. I am able to burn movies and data from my pc, but they don't work on my dvd recorder (meaning to use them to record tv) to disc. Is there any type of format software I can use on Windows 7 Ultimate to make them compatible?
  2. A

    TDK sd CARD 32G not working in SONY XPERIA M2

    I recently bought a SD card for my new sony xperia M2 smartphone. It is a microSDHC TDK card of 32GB. The specs of the phone indicate that it can carry up to 32 GB card. Result though is that it does not work properly: music is playing but with "gaps", stopping for 1-2 seconds, or jumping to the...
  3. SirSprinklez

    Best earbuds for a low price?

    I've been using the TDK Mc300's for the past year going through a few pairs, probably three or so. They cost about $20 and sound nice to me. Can anybody tell me a pair they recommend? I'm looking for a pair that won't short out within a week and will sound nice. Prices $0-$30
  4. S

    TDK Boombox Ac Adaptor Issue?

    Had my TDK boombox for around two years without problem, Howeve i tried turning it on today and no power seems to be coming through the Ac ADaptor, its a 18V 1600mA switching mode power supply made my TDK and GPE. Now is it the AC Adaptor or the boombox? and where or what oculd i do to fix the...
  5. exfileme

    TDK Reveals 1TB Optical Disc; Blu-ray Frowns

    TDK is pushing Blu-ray boundaries with a dual-sided, 1TB prototype. TDK Reveals 1TB Optical Disc; Blu-ray Frowns : Read more
  6. exfileme

    TDK: Flexible OLED Displays By Next Near

    TDK demonstrates flexible and transparent OLED displays at CEATEC 2010. TDK: Flexible OLED Displays By Next Near : Read more
  7. exfileme

    TDK Releasing 100GB BDXL Disc Soon

    TDK plans to launch its first BDXL Blu-ray Disc this September. TDK Releasing 100GB BDXL Disc Soon : Read more
  8. exfileme

    TDK Sports 10-Layer, 320 GB Blu-ray Disk

    TDK is sporting the world's largest Blu-ray disk. TDK Sports 10-Layer, 320 GB Blu-ray Disk : Read more
  9. G

    TDK "Home THeater Cable Kit" @ Costco

    Archived from groups: (More info?) I saw it and the price is right ($110?) for someone who has not purchased any wires yet, but is the quality there? The way they talk about themselves on the box it seems better than Monster.