Not everybody has willingly gotten themselves sucked into the "gotta have the latest" circus put on by smartphone manufacturers. You make it sound like any time a new phone model is introduced, all predecessors become unusable. Actually, that sounds like an Apple tool's way of thinking (poor suckers).
If you don't have a need to tell everyone how amazing you are because you hold the newest (and most expensive) phone, the article has it backwards: buying an older model isn't crazy - it makes the most sense. Just like with a car, let some other sucker pay the shiny new cost, and you can scoop it up for yourself later, when the price drops way down.
I feel sorry (sort of) for people who can't breathe unless they have the newest of everything. I suppose if you have money to burn, and an insatiable ego, you're stuck in that mode. Go ahead and spend $700 on a new phone - I'll grab it for a third of that in a couple years.