L LastStop Distinguished May 23, 2001 6 0 18,510 Jan 23, 2002 #1 Okay, I've managed to unlock my 1900+ and am currently running at 2000+ speeds. My question is that do the AXP's support the 14x multiplier? I've tried it and it ends up using a 5x multiplier.
Okay, I've managed to unlock my 1900+ and am currently running at 2000+ speeds. My question is that do the AXP's support the 14x multiplier? I've tried it and it ends up using a 5x multiplier.
OldBear Distinguished Sep 14, 2001 104 0 18,630 Jan 24, 2002 #2 You may have to update your BIOS to go to a higher multiplier. You could go to a lower multiplier and up the fsb. <font color=blue>Remember.... You get what you pay for. All advice here is free.</font color=blue>
You may have to update your BIOS to go to a higher multiplier. You could go to a lower multiplier and up the fsb. <font color=blue>Remember.... You get what you pay for. All advice here is free.</font color=blue>