3 quick ways to sleep fast come day or night— no sleep aids required


Mar 21, 2022
It really, really saddens me that the medical community is so immersed in the sex-negative culture that it can't even consider orgasm as a safe, effective, way to get to sleep. Instead we get offered addictive sleep pills that knock us out but don’t allow restorative sleep. The tips in this article are an improvement on the pills, but not as powerful as orgasm.

I have trouble with waking early and not being able to get back to sleep. When that happens, it's often because the worries du jour in my head won't shut up or my CPAP mask has come loose or I have to pee. Masturbation, often augmented with a half-hour of porn, is a heavy-duty distraction. It also gets one breathing deeply which is one of the other highly recommended sleep aids.

PS: There is some scholarship that says that people regularly slept in two shifts, biphasic sleep. Much of this has been learned by reading things written before the "dawn" of electric lighting. And, yes, sex is one of the things people did in the hour or s they were awake between their first and second sleeps.