5 Great Desktop Games Also on the iOS

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I'm not getting pop ups, but then I do have ad blocking extensions/addons.

As for these flash games, three are available for free, Canabalt Robot Unicorn Attack, and Tower Bloxx. And since they are flash, I'm guessing they should be playable on Android for free when 2.2 comes. As for the other two, Plants VS Zombies is available for free online (though not as deep) at Popcap but civilization is not available yet for android. Someone might be able to port FreeCiv over though.

You want a good game, how about Quake 1 for the Pocket PC? Came out in 2005, two years before the iPhone.
To Excalibur1814 - sorry mate... It's THG you know - they probably get PAID from Apple for this shit... alternative explanations:
1. they all own iphones
2. they all use macs
3. they don't give a f... about their audience...
@tinnerdxp: You twat, the article is called '5 Great Desktop Games Also on the iOS'. Not great mobile games for all platforms. Don't read the article if you don't want to know about '5 Great Desktop Games Also on the iOS'. Bloody idiot.
There is a demo version of Civilization port - it is free, so you can try it before buy (great game by the way, if you like civilization type of games). It is nearly full game, it just does not allow you to save.
Plants vs zombies is another good game, though I did not play it on iPhone, however, I can see how it can be easily translated to touch interface.

And for those who are bitching about android games - there are more iPhone users than android users, so it is natural to have more iPhone related stories. Plus, while it is gain for iPhone users to have an iPhone related story, it is not a loss for android users - just do not read the story or stop bitching about it if you did. Grow up.
Maybe iPhone users need reminders that their phone can actually do things other then text and call people. Hence the articles reminding these users about the other functions of their iPhones.

The rest if us know how to use search engines and can find many programs for free instead of relying on Apple's walled garden.
Apple has the coolest gaming platforms evarrrrr! Just checout those poly-go-thingy's. Does anything else play games like that? I think not! I'm sure SOMEONE might think other platforms should get equal coverage as Apple does. That is, if anyone else HAD games, which they don't. /sarcasm

Seriously ...lazy fanboy blogger, please stop playing with your iPhone and blog about real news (not just what you think is cool).
I've always loved the Command and Conquer series from EA Games. They have an iPhone version of C&C Red Alert, both a free lite version and a full version. At first I had no idea how you could translate a game of this scale to a small screen with only a touch interface but they did an incredible job. You can tell it's not just a simple port to make money but an actual well thought out title.

The only drawback is it is really short, but it's only $4.99. There is no reason to expect the content of a $40 game at a $5 price.

If you are a C&C fan who owns an iPhone definitely check it out. It brought back great memories.
I don't quite understand the Apple flak here. I'm not a fan boy but I do own an iPhone (along with several PCs, Windows servers, etc). You know what? I like reading iPhone related articles because sometimes I learn something new.

You want to know some other neat things? THG does sometimes have articles on Blackberries, Android phones, Palm phones and WinMobile. Oh, there are also articles on heat sinks, power supplies, robotic vacuums, Lego Mindstorms kits, etc. If I don't want to read those I don't read them. I don't complain in the comments.

Just my two cents. We just need to relax. It seems that because Apple is in the title sometimes that's an invitation for trolling or flames.
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