8K TVs are already boring — here's what I want from my next-gen display

Motion can/should be improved too. I recently attended a musical/play. At one point, human silhouettes were moving on what looked like a screen. I was trying to figure out if it was a projected image or if actors were acting behind a mesh, semi transparent screen. I was convinced that it was a projected image, but then noticed that the motion seemed too smooth. Something seemed more natural about the way they were moving. The movement/motion was my only visual clue that it wasn't a projected image and that they were in fact actors behind a screen. There must be some sort of subtle way that I can't explain scientifically about the way motion is handled with our tvs that could be improved upon to make the image appear more realistic and natural.
Well as someone with an 8k TV, the problem is 1. There's literally zero content in 8k outside of a handful of videos on YouTube that must be specifically watched via the TV interface since no other streamer supports 8k
2. These 8k TVs run hotter than the sun. Idk what the hell is wrong with them but in the hot summer watching TV with this thing is almost unbearable even with the AC cranked up