A Greener LA: Park 101

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Feb 24, 2007
This is great news. Helping the environment, reducing smog, giving Americans work, reducing transportation issues and all that is great. More cities need to invest in redesign! The problem is that it needs to also be economically viable, saving the city money in the future for the investment today - such as those transportation issues. Too often a political office gets hold of cash and wants to spend it and put their names on things like parks and buildings, rather than make a solid investment in a quality future for citizens. Anytime I see a city utilizing more outdoorsy stuff I'm happy. Our cities have way too much steel and concrete. They used to be idolized, now they're just ugly because America doesn't develop as much anymore. The cities become run down. Whether a man like Donald Trump is good or not, he did amazing things for New York. All of New York would be a slum if it weren't for developers like him with big visions.
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