Affect of Adding Multiple Monitors on CPU / GPU


Mar 6, 2011
I am looking to buy a laptop for personal and business use. I am a Web Developer and PHP Programmer. I run copies of Apache and MySQL locally but also want to be able to add 2 additional monitors for maximum productivity.

Does adding more monitors added affect the cpu or is that where the gpu comes into play? Should I look for a laptop with more processing power or a laptop with maybe less processing power but with an integrated graphics card?

Also, any advice on quality laptops for a reasonable price? I was considering Lenovo or Acer

Thanks for your help


A laptop will usually only allow the addition of a single secondary monitor.
To use more, which is great for productivity, you will probably want a desktop.
Adding monitors add negligible load to the cpu or gpu.
A laptop will always have integrated graphics.
Optional added dedicated graphics just adds performance for gamers, and is not helpful for non fast action gamers.