Afghan Receives Death Penalty For Downloading and Distributing Women's Rights Ar

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Jul 3, 2007
It had nothing to do with women's right; he attacked the prophet Muhammad and the Koran. Is it that hard for non-East Asian journalists to be ethical?

BTW, you misspelled Muhammad.


Its not the ugly face of Islam,
Its the ugly face of people, Islam does not say someone should be sentensed to death for distributing woman's rights papers.


"[he] represented himself in the case after fundamentalist groups threatened to kill anyone who dared represent him."

Are they fundamentalist Christians? Jews? Buddhists? Hindus? Taoists? Ralians? I don't theenk so, Uglyfacey ;-)


Dec 14, 2007
makes you wonder, human kind being the most "intelligent" species on earth, yet are so susceptible to brainwashing by fanatical extremism everywhere. just goes to show how strong the environment and culture can affect someone to go to such extremes...aka suicide bombing...etc. its really sad.


[citation][nom]athauglas[/nom]Use your head, "humanist". Religious extremism is everywhere, and equally scary no matter in Whose name.[/citation]

Religious extremism is everywhere, I agree.
Equally scaring? Please be serious. E V E R Y single day, just turn on the TV in any democratic country and listen to the news. EQUALLY scaring???


I really feel for that young man and I pray to god, the same god that the Jewish, the Christians and the Muslims pray to, for his well-being.

I normally curse people, and reserve my prayers for myself. But just so happens, when the corrupted media turns a blind eye, you happen to see true courage.


both old school Judaism and Islam were pretty barbaric religions.
I speak as a Jew, and a relatively well informed one. Judaism in its original biblical form killed gay people, had very weird notions on womens rights, and even more aggresive notions on "non jew" people.
Islam took most of those views, alas, from us.
But the thing is, in a democratic country, alot of those rules are read, reread and reinterpeted for the 21st century.
In many of the less educated countries, they dont bother to rewrite the rules.
The rules are written in stone, to be followed to the letter.
The Koran itself has quite a few violent edicts.
Despite the fact that all religions have extremists, Islam and Judaism have the most problem with extremists, seeing they have so much background material to work with.

Oh, and the fact that there are almost a billion muslims.
So when a huge chunk of the population is following a religion which is not always very peacefull , and has extremist religious leaders at some countries, well, that makes it scarier then other extreme religions.

Please feel free to flame / spam me.


"This is the real face of Islam ... The prophet Mohamad wrote verses of the holy Koran just for his own benefit."

Has there ever been a church whose intention was NOT to control people, to make them behave according to someone's will?

"A man chooses, a slave obeys." - Andrew Ryan :)


Mar 6, 2008
By looking at most these comments its pretty obvious the western cultures are in decline, as they have turned a blind eye to direct threats against their well being. Mostly due to extreme liberalism that has perimated their culture. Conservative/extreme cultures are the ones that expand because they believe in their moral and cultural superiority. See also Europe during the late middle ages, and Islam today. Over time these cultures become infected with liberalism whos open, diverse and tolerent overtures appeal to the natural instincts of man, While fair sounding, this eventually weakens the culture to a point where selfishness and greed become the norm. This opens up the culture to invasion/cultural domination by a more conservative one, because the extreme liberalism pacifies the native population to the point where they will not react to such threats until it is too late. (ex, US vs Hispanics, Serbs vs Albanians, Euros vs Islamics).

Conservative cultures expand, liberal ones contract. While those of you believe you are being fair and just, and you are, all you are doing is seeding your own demise.


Apr 18, 2008
[citation][nom]SunfighterLC[/nom]By looking at most these comments its pretty obvious the western cultures are in decline, as they have turned a blind eye to direct threats against their well being. Mostly due to extreme liberalism that has perimated their culture. Conservative/extreme cultures are the ones that expand because they believe in their moral and cultural superiority. See also Europe during the late middle ages, and Islam today. Over time these cultures become infected with liberalism whos open, diverse and tolerent overtures appeal to the natural instincts of man, While fair sounding, this eventually weakens the culture to a point where selfishness and greed become the norm. This opens up the culture to invasion/cultural domination by a more conservative one, because the extreme liberalism pacifies the native population to the point where they will not react to such threats until it is too late. (ex, US vs Hispanics, Serbs vs Albanians, Euros vs Islamics). Conservative cultures expand, liberal ones contract. While those of you believe you are being fair and just, and you are, all you are doing is seeding your own demise. [/citation]

I Agree with your observation but it's just that a wise observation.
As gay as this sounds our diversity is our strength. A fact which I loathe yet it remains an inescapable conclusion. Our different beliefs keep us from being stagnant as a species. And lets face it religion is a necessity for human sociological evolution but someday it will go the way of the dinosaur. Also we as a species cannot succeed in any respect unless we work together toward the betterment of mankind for some obvious being trapped on this ball of dust. But in all honesty you are right, It's just that your view is very narrow. Ask yourself how would your way of thinking lend itself to future problems like cloning or pre-birth genetic modification. Will you separate your state again if some people believe as you do and others don't? And what of the next revolution will your pattern repeat itself until you are left alone on some mountain preaching your beliefs? The would looks at you like we do at Osama, as a relic of a time long passed. What you propose is what Japan did in the 1600, they shut themselfs from the world for 250 years, had they continued they would not be where they are today.


I dissagree, individualism is the way. It's the individuals that are the most efficient. You might want to see us as very pacified, we are simply much more creative, being able to handle many more diverse situations thanks to our indvidualistic pride.

Do you think Mozart used God's inspiration for his music? No, he was an individualist. Do you think Nietzshe's teachings were based on his faith in God? No, he was an individualist. Do you think Einstein conformed to anything? He was an individualist. All of their ideas were stolen and used by conservatives, but we're long past the crazy mob age.

Once the world is capable of true independant thinking, only then will we achieve a higher level of respect amongst each other based on the natural altruism within everyone. We're evolving.


Mar 13, 2006
This is really sad. I'm glad that I live in a country where I can say all the horrible things I can think of about Mohamed (Muhammad?), drawing cartoons of him engaging in gay sex if I want. Aren't we in Afghanistan trying to help these people? Not that we should force our morals on them, but isn't killing people wrong no matter where you are? And yes, that means its wrong in the US too.


Mar 6, 2008
Actually Gmon3y, chances are very high that if you're in a western country, especially Europe, you cant do any of what you described either. Out of fear of reprisals they censor anybody speaking out against Islam, its not as prenounced in the United States, but its still there.

You already saw how the US military earlier in the week basically had to get on hands and knees and suck it all because one soldier decided to shoot a holy book. People think thats just being culturally sensitive, and maybe it is, but in a sense its a major sign of weakness in the western culture. Some muslims will appreciate the apology, but most wont view it as such, they will see it as a sign that they have power over what the Westerners do. They will see it as Westerners are so afraid of the Islamic reaction to their deeds that they will even apologize for doing something that isnt a sin in their own western culture (shooting books).


Apr 26, 2008
"Its the ugly face of people, Islam does not say someone should be sentensed to death for distributing woman's rights papers."

I disagree. Have you ever heard of Jihad? Kill all the infidels? It's a religion of war.


[citation][nom]SunfighterLC[/nom]By looking at most these comments its pretty obvious the western cultures are in decline, as they have turned a blind eye to direct threats against their well being. Mostly due to extreme liberalism that has perimated their culture. Conservative/extreme cultures are the ones that expand because they believe in their moral and cultural superiority. See also Europe during the late middle ages, and Islam today. Over time these cultures become infected with liberalism whos open, diverse and tolerent overtures appeal to the natural instincts of man, While fair sounding, this eventually weakens the culture to a point where selfishness and greed become the norm. This opens up the culture to invasion/cultural domination by a more conservative one, because the extreme liberalism pacifies the native population to the point where they will not react to such threats until it is too late. (ex, US vs Hispanics, Serbs vs Albanians, Euros vs Islamics). Conservative cultures expand, liberal ones contract. While those of you believe you are being fair and just, and you are, all you are doing is seeding your own demise. [/citation]
And Christianity, Judaism, Islam or Hinduism are going to save us from that? You can't be serious!
Most religions are just about brainwashing, dimming one's vision of the world, bending their opinions, affecting their decissions... to make them obey. I will not allow myself to be controlled, I will not surrender my freedom of will, not even for the wellfare of mankind (if you were right), will you?
I have my own beliefs based on my own experience, I may reconsider them whenever I see fit (and no one calls me a blasphemer or even executes me for that). Is it wrong that I do not follow any "mainstream" church? What makes the difference?


Apr 26, 2005
Religion, Nations, States, Race, Language etc.. are means to divide and manipulate us. When will humanity understand this? Until then keep putting money in the collection tray at church and keep paying those taxes, fees and dues believing you are doing good.

It is truly masterful when the people pay for their own indentured servitude/slavery and are happy to do so.

Open your eyes and open your mind, stop believing what they tell you and start discovering the truth for yourself.


Apr 26, 2005
Religion, Nations, States, Race, Language etc.. are means to divide and manipulate us. When will humanity understand this? Until then keep putting money in the collection tray at church and keep paying those taxes, fees and dues believing you are doing good.

It is truly masterful when the people pay for their own indentured servitude/slavery and are happy to do so.

Open your eyes and open your mind, stop believing what they tell you and start discovering the truth for yourself.


Apr 26, 2005
Religion, Nations, States, Race, Language etc.. are means to divide and manipulate us. When will humanity understand this? Until then keep putting money in the collection tray at church and keep paying those taxes, fees and dues believing you are doing good.

It is truly masterful when the people pay for their own indentured servitude/slavery and are happy to do so.

Open your eyes and open your mind, stop believing what they tell you and start discovering the truth for yourself.
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