Amilo LI1705 freezes when touched


Sep 12, 2012
Hy there

Has anyone got any experience with my problem.

The laptop works fine, but sudently it freezes when touched on keyboard or anywhere else near it ...

Sometimes it does this after 2 min, sometimes a whole day passes with no prob ... but mostly it's 2 min state ...

WHAT TO DO ???=)


Jun 26, 2011
It's generally failed solder on the graphics chip causes this power problem, it's EXTREMELY common (I've got 3 or 4 of them here). Hold down left side of the laptop at the front and 'prop up' right side front onto a matchbox or beer mats etc. See if it will boot up- if it does it's the graphics chip problem for sure. A reball of the graphics chip will most likely cure it, or look out for a WORKING motherboard on eBay. There's new motherboard being sold from Germany at about £80. Run away from 'reflow' repairs as this does not address the problem of the unsuitable 'environmentally friendly' solder. It's not an enormous job to change the motherboard, should take you an hour or two with a very fine cross head screwdriver. Draw a pic with the screw positions and their length (important) and make sure you observe static grounding procedures.