Solved! Another Laptop helpme


Jan 13, 2007
Ok, right now I have a crappy laptop (I still like it though), I got a year ago, with 250GB HDD, 3GB memory, and a ATI 3200 HD with 512MB Video ram.......I'm hitting every wall, I'm running out of HDD space only 40GB left, doing school projects that are maxing out my RAM (ok, so I might be doing more then school work at the same time), and the 3200 well.....I would like to play a newer/newish game without CHOPY graphics. I know black friday is comeing up and thanking of getting the computer then, so if you find good deals let know...PLEASE.

1_What is your budget?
I would prefer not to go over $1000 (I might for the right Laptop, but I would have to finance).

2_What is the size of the notebook that you are considering?
15" - 17" (I would like 17" but 2"'s can add alot to the price, so...)

3_What screen resolution do you want?
Nothing new out has gone below my DPI wants

4_Do you need a portable or desktop replacement laptop?
I'm 6'4" 265 LB. desktop replacements are easy to move around for me, but at least a 2 hour battery life (when not playing a game, just typing and browsing) would be nice.

5_How much battery life do you need?
east a 2 hour battery life (when not playing a game, just typing and browsing) would be nice.

6_Do you want to play games with your laptop? If so then please list the games that you want to with the settings that you want for these games. (Low,Medium or High)?
Fallout 3, Oblivion, secondlife, UT3, HL2. Medium would be nice, gives me room to go up. (I'll go higher if it doesn't cost much more)

7_What other tasks do you want to do with your laptop? (Photo / Video editing,watching movies, Etc.)
Everything is fare game, but photo editing, gamming, browsing, dvd playing, and word processing are the main things I have time to do.

8_How much storage (H.D.D Capacity) do you need?
At least 500GB, that might hold me for more then a year.

9_If you are considering specific sites to buy from, please post the links to them.
As long as they are legit, and at at least simi good

10_How long do you want to keep your laptop?
More then a year, maybe 3 or 4.

11_What kind of Optical drive do you need? DVD ROM/Writer,Bluray ROM/Writer,Etc ?
At least a dvd-rw. (Higher would be nice, but not required).

12_Please tell us about the brands that you prefer to buy from them and the brands that you don't like and explain the reasons.
If it's good quality or a namebrand I have heard of I will consider it.

13_What country do you live in?

14_Please tell us any additional information if needed.
I would Like windows7 on the laptop (not that I don't like Linux, I'm just not that good of a IT nerd.)
I would also like graphics better then a ATI 4200HD - 3200HD, the higher the better, and probably more then 512MB of video ram.

Not far though and defiantly worth thinking over (maybe if I can finance part of it).

Would the graphics on this one be comparable?
For the most part I can play everything on fairly high settings, unless online is involved, and in that case I can still run close to high. Even at the highest settings a lot of my games are still playable and in some cases very smooth. My computer came with an utility that allowed me to put the computer in a low clock mode bringing the CPU down to 1.5 GHz’s and the GPU down by half, to save power and it also allowed me to over clock the ram and CPU, but only by a little, so I ran the games on the standard clock and the over clock to show the difference (very little). I tried to run everything at their highest and in areas of the games where there were large open areas and several objects, but they were not the most intensive parts of the games. I can run multiple browser windows with multiple pages while playing music, working on multiple papers (6+ word docs open), multiple folders open and running a scan (I love this computer!). I haven’t tried any compression or converting of music or video yet. Because of the native resolution of this laptop (1600 X 900) I couldn’t run 3D mark without paying for it (and I don’t see the need to pay for something I was going to use a few times).

PC mark running at normal speed (CPU 2.53 GHz, memory 332 MHz).
With Aero glass 4871

PC mark running at boosted speed (CPU 2.64 GHz, memory 348 MHz).
With Aero glass 5028

Oblivion running at normal speed set to Ultra High all settings to max (CPU 2.53 GHz, memory 332 MHz).
Runs between 25 and 51 FPS, didn't drop below 25 fps.

Oblivion running at boosted speed set to high Ultra High all settings to max (CPU 2.64 GHz, memory 348 MHz).
Runs between 26 and 53 FPS, FPS stayed around 30 fps, until I got to a road near the water and then it came back up

HL2 running at normal speed All settings on High at full resolution (CPU 2.53 GHz, memory 332 MHz).
Runs between 57 and 66 FPS, spiking over 100 FPS every few seconds.

HL2 running at boosted speed All settings on High at full resolution (CPU 2.64 GHz, memory 348 MHz).
Runs between 54 and 66 FPS, dropping down below to 50FPS every few seconds

UT3 running at normal speed with everything on and high (CPU 2.53 GHz, memory 332 MHz).
Runs between 47 and 60 FPS for most of the game, and only dropped to about 6 fps while loading a lvl.

UT3 running at boosted speed with everything on and high (CPU 2.64 GHz, memory 348 MHz).
Runs between 45 and 56 FPS for most of the game, and only dropped to about 7 fps while loading a lvl.

The Witcher Enhanced at normal speed with all settings on high and highest resolution (CPU 2.53 GHz, memory 332 MHz).
Runs between 25 and 40 fps on average, and often into the 50's and occasionally up to 60 and below 25, but never dropped below 20 FPS.

The Witcher Enhanced at boosted speed with all settings on high and highest resolution (CPU 2.64 GHz, memory 348 MHz).
Runs Between 30 and 45FPS on average, and often into the 50's and occasionally up to 60 and below 30, but never dropped below 28 FPS.

Fallout 3 running at normal speed with all graphic settings set on highest settings and Highest resolution (CPU 2.53 GHz, memory 332 MHz).
Runs between 28 and 40 FPS, but every few seconds the frams will drop into the teens.

Fallout 3 running at boosted speed with all graphic settings set on highest settings and Highest resolution (CPU 2.64 GHz, memory 348 MHz).
Runs between 30 and 40 FPS, but every few seconds the frames will drop into the teens not as often at normal speed.

Secondlife running at normal speed with all graphic settings set on highest settings and Highest resolution (CPU 2.53 GHz, memory 332 MHz).
Runs between 8 and 11 fps.

Secondlife running at boosted speed with all graphic settings set on highest settings and Highest resolution (CPU 2.64 GHz, memory 348 MHz).
Runs between 8 and 16 fps.