S shadowed Distinguished Jul 24, 2006 38 0 18,610 Sep 2, 2014 #1 Anybody have any experience with anthem 225 amp?
A americanaudiophile Titan Aug 27, 2008 14,933 147 103,240 Sep 2, 2014 #2 Very good sounding integrated amp. Lots of power. Good soundstage. Well made for the price. If less power is OK also consider the Hegel H80. A little more expensive but it has a DAC built in. What speakers will be used with it and in what size room?
Very good sounding integrated amp. Lots of power. Good soundstage. Well made for the price. If less power is OK also consider the Hegel H80. A little more expensive but it has a DAC built in. What speakers will be used with it and in what size room?