Anti-virus for Samsung 5


May 12, 2015
Verizon tells me anti-virus software for my new Samsung 5 is unnecessary, even highly discouraged because their software is adequate. Does this make sense?


Sep 12, 2013
I think Verizon is really just trying to make themselves seem better than other providers for security. Verizon and ATT phones are actually more vulnerable than tmobile and sprint phones because they are out on the open internet which allows bots to do massive port scans of huge ranges of IP addresses. I personally use a black phone but for any of my friends that use android I recommend As well as installing AppBrain. Another good one is Lookout which also helps a good amount with security as well as having features if you ever lose your phone.


May 12, 2015
Many thanks, eatmypie ... I'll look into the suggestions that you made. I have heard of bitdefender but not the other two. On my PC I use Malwarbyte which I've been very happy with. Do you have any opinion of that piece of software?


Sep 12, 2013
Malwarebytes isn't to bad of software because of its large database for malware signatures. If you are thinking about putting it on mobile I can't honestly say I have tried it, but I'm pretty sure it works just fine. As far as the other two I was talking about Appbrain is simply just something that scans through your apps and finds what the apps have access to and it also alerts you if anything has changed when you update an app, so think of it more like a monitoring program for your applications. It doesn't offer protection, it is more for monitoring purposes. As for the lookout I actually discovered it by accident when I bought I new LG G3 a year ago before my current it came with it and it worked amazing both free and pro. You can read more about it here Your other options would be I think Avast has a mobile security suite as well as AVG. But I've done my own benchmarking with my own pieces of code that I either wrote or rewrote and recompiled and they all work similar no matter what really the benchmark tests show for the different AV's. Like if you wanted to get really good protection the best I have found is F-Secure for mobile which if you pay a bundle fee you get both their AV and VPN service. I really think you will be happy with any that I listed as I mentioned earlier. Just stay basic and up to date when it comes to mobile security. Don't install to many apps, check permissions for games, and always avoid apps that aren't in Google play even though some of the apps that make it on the market are also malicious. That is about all that I can recommend for a regular user. If you want to know anything else like how to make end to end encrypted calls and text as well as web browsing you can always just PM me your question.


Jul 18, 2014
I am Using Comodo Antivirus for Android - Fabulous product Would prefer this to any other product out there. Have it on my desktop and mobile and it does its job better than anything else. You guys are the best, period.

musical marv

Feb 26, 2011
Do not ever listen to them. There are many viruses that you can get on a phone. Most of these apps are free and don't take a chance and ruin your phone.Avast is one of them and it is free and a good one.