Anyone knows where i can find Xp Drivers for X53U Please...

Hello torontocity;

Probably not. You've noticed that there are on WinXP drivers on the Asus X53U website?

That's becoming more common as WinXP is about to reach it's end of support shortly.
Mainstream Support has already ended and all support ends in less than 2 years.

So a lot of companies won't plan on the extra expense of creating software (drivers) that won't be supported during the expected life-span of it's product.

Hi Toronto City

You're obviously up to speed on these things which I'm afraid I'm not.

I had a look at the forum where you were looking for XP on an X53U and I was intrigued by your comment that you'd got rid of 'all the Startup crap'.

In the absence of XP I'd also would like to get rid of all the pre-loaded Asus garbage.

Any chance you could point me in the right direction?

My email address is

Many thanks

Dave H