Rather than some startup Apple should have partnered with or acquired TomTom or Garmin. Give the user options to download complete maps as well. I could care less about features like street view. I just care about quick re-routing, traffic routing, accurate navigation, efficient routes, a clear spoken voice, good advanced notice of turns, what direction the second turn will be and announcing the street address when I'm at my last turn.
As it stands now traffic routing sucks, if I'm not careful it will send me to a completely different address, it warns you way before a turn and when you are right on top of it, rarely says the turn after, some routes are way out of the way, listing roadblocks is impossible, and sometimes won't say a street number until you've passed it.
I know I can get some of this info looking at the map. I'd rather it be spoken so I don't have to take my eyes off the road.