Apple Investigates iOS 4 Bogging Down iPhone 3G

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[citation][nom]jefe323[/nom]its probably because iphone 3g has a pathetic amount of RAM[/citation]

So it's a perfect reason to upgrade to the magical and revolutionary iPhone 4!! /sarcasm
[citation][nom]polly the parrot[/nom]So it's a perfect reason to upgrade to the magical and revolutionary iPhone 4!! /sarcasm[/citation]

4 times the RAM is actually a pretty good reason.

Of course there's also the whole "phone" part that may not work as well...

Question. If Apple fans are the sheep you idiotically generalize them all to be, how would this article even exist?
what? a bug ? in an Apple product? how its possible???
how a perfect company with perfect product can suffer issues?
no... the media are bugged, not Apple!!! stop saying there is problems please 😉

Its really the Apple year! a lot of marketing, a lot of bugs and a lot of non-tested products!
Apple really want to become better than Microsoft in all part of the market :)
next step? viruses!!!
You would think that PC users would understand that increased software calculations/complexity requires more processing power...
Ever since I "upgraded" Ios4 my phone has been terrible. Does anyone know how I can downgrade?
Yes, I have noticed all of these things.
The extra heat really sucks..
It's quite clear that the processor and memory capacity of the 3G is just not capable of handling the new revision of the OS. I've even heard of the 3GS suffering a small amount from the update. Apple really needs to think things through, and properly test their products BEFORE release. Look what happens when you don't.
My 3G is slower too since OS4. And no you cant safely downgrade. It is possible but you risk bricking your phone, its harder on Windows than Mac to downgrade. I havent tried it since reading the instructions.
[citation][nom]jefe323[/nom]its probably because iphone 3g has a pathetic amount of RAM[/citation]

it has 128 meg!!! how much do you need?? the ps3 only has 256 meg!

the ds made do with FOUR meg!

further more, it worked fine BEFORE, why should an UPDATE make it WORSE!?

conspiracy theory or not: it has worked with many apple bollards, proudly stating how they are upgrading to the iphone 4 because their 3G was made slow by the last update!

you have to remember, the update didn't even add any features to the 3G! no multitasking! not even backgrounds!! just folders!

it is completely unacceptable.
I am done with Apple iPhone and A T & T. Lousy coverage is Wisconsin and lousy performance on a 3G that I have only had for 14 months..
I remember when i upgraded to ios 4, i commented that it seemed faster. However that didn't last long! Its slow! Its slow at loading web pages, i've given up on the online games because they don't work and the keyboard can't keep up with me!
I decided to upgrade to the iphone 4 when Apple started advertising it. However I think the performance of my 3G has definitely given me incentive to do it now, and i placed an order online at 12am this morning!
I still have faith that Apple will fix things. Just look how good the iMac is! We all have to remember that they are making leaps and bounds in mobile technology! Maybe they should wait a little longer to test thing better, but it must be hard for a company at the top with the cutting edge tech, that everyone other company looks up to and wishes they had, to make a society of Tech hungry people with an attitude of i want it and i want it now!, to wait.
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