Apple is handling AI so much better than Microsoft I may ditch Windows for macOS Sequoia

One thing that I have always found intriguing with Apples claim to privacy and data is their dependance on China for their manufacturing process.

I remember a conversation with a former employer, and he used to work for Bell labs when they were still around saying that their team grabbed 10 of the original iPads when they first came out to test in their facility and something like 7 or 8 of them pinged to servers in Hong Kong.

His point that he always made with Apple products is that when you are operating at the scale that they do, shipping millions of products a year and your manufacturing is nearly exclusively dependent on a government where civilian surveillance is a part of the day to day, there is no way that you could actually monitor if something nefarious was going on.

A worse point is that Apple is so dependent on china for their chips and manufacturing that it gives way too much leverage to a government organization that wants to spy on civilians.

Im saying all this as an apple product user btw haha so it makes me hypocritical. But regardless it was a conversation that stuck with me and has always made me curious of that dynamic to Apples "promise" of security and privacy. And paired with the fact that no government employees with any sort of clearance factor as a part of their job can use or have apple products on site. We always had to use something other than apple for our work together.

It has always surprised me that these things are taken at pure face value by the public and tech journalists that a 3 trillion dollar company is essentially saying "just trust us" and they take it as gospel.
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This also enters into the idea of whether you consider FOSS a good thing or a bad thing. If you're going to leave Windows, just make a dual boot and pick a fav Linux distro. Tons of more open choices for roads to take when it comes to AI or whatever.
Apple is closed, closed and more closed and most like it because it is "pretty" or "simple," or whatever.
There is no transparency and you must go through them to breathe, as if I dont like Red Delicious apples more than green ones. Pssh! Haha 😛

You can do anything on Linux you can on Apple and it's FOSS. Without delving into anything TLDR, it doesnt hurt to try it first. Put any distro you want onto a USB drive, boot from it and try. Anything AI on Mac will be equally as great or better. I suggest starting with Ubuntu if you are new to it. It's origin is from England unlike some others which are from China and again, reread what GW43 wrote.

Anyway, that's my $0.02 donation. Use it to buy Linux and not $123456789.00 you'll need just for the Apple PSU.