Are these headphones good?


Nov 4, 2013
I don't know much about Audio quality and stuff but these headphones are on sale and i would like to use them for music and gaming. I'm not sure how good they are so if somebody could tell me if they are good or if i have a better alternative.

P.S. It would also be nice if somebody could compare them to something like beats Because i understand those have excellent sound quality.
beats audio products are both horrible in sound quality as well as being horribly overpriced. honestly they deserve to be compared with low end headphones like that $50 siberia v2 if it wasnt for the rediculously high cost. the beats are very bass heavy and muddle everything. its amazing why people seem to stand behind them. if you ever see a top 10 list of headphones for $ amount and they list beats anywhere... it would be best to ignore that whole review as junk.

as far as the siberia v2 is concerned.... while they dont have bad sound quality for the price they are prone to breaking due to poor build quality. if you can stretch your budget to get something better i would go that route.

if you want quality i would compare against a...
What is your budget? And the Beats are almost quadrupled the price so there's no comparison. I wouldn't recommend the Beats. It's not very durable. They're made from cheap plastic on the exterior. They are overpriced. The sound quality is good, but not worth the cost of the headphones considering the lack of thought in its design quality.
beats audio products are both horrible in sound quality as well as being horribly overpriced. honestly they deserve to be compared with low end headphones like that $50 siberia v2 if it wasnt for the rediculously high cost. the beats are very bass heavy and muddle everything. its amazing why people seem to stand behind them. if you ever see a top 10 list of headphones for $ amount and they list beats anywhere... it would be best to ignore that whole review as junk.

as far as the siberia v2 is concerned.... while they dont have bad sound quality for the price they are prone to breaking due to poor build quality. if you can stretch your budget to get something better i would go that route.

if you want quality i would compare against a quality set of studio headphones. one worth looking into is the audiotechnica ath-m50s as they are likely the best sounding headphones you can get for under $250 and you can find them on ebay (new but open box) for $100 or brand new for $130-180 depending on source. or you could also look at anything from AKG, Audio-Technica, Grado, Shure, Sennheiser or V-Moda.

if the m50s are out of budget you could always look at the m30 or m35.

This, Beats are alright though but they are overpriced heavily.