Asus g72gx screen unplugged dead


Aug 16, 2012
Hello, I own an Asus g72gx, and experienced the screen flicker that has bugged so many other users of this laptop. I took the back of the screen off and reseated the connecting cable a couple times, but to no avail Then one day, as I was reseating it, I went full retard and forgot to take out the battery and unplug the cord. I small flare or spark blew up, and I immediately stopped, left it unplugged and debatteried, and reassembled the thing. There it sat for a month while I waited for my check to come in When It finally came in I purchased an external monitor, which arrived today. I assembled it, plugged it into my machine, put in the battery and plug, and attempted to start it. Nothing. There's no lights on anywhere on the machine, even the charging light on the front, which always lights up when it is plugged in, regardless of whether the screen is on or not. I know it isn't a question of where did I go wrong so much as where didn't I, but if anyone knows whats wrong I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much.