Asus vs msi


Jun 4, 2012
1. What is your budget?

I would say $ 1500 and under.

2. What is the size of the notebook that you are considering?

17.6 full size. yeah baby!!

3. What screen resolution do you want?

what else im going for the best bang for my buck 1920 x 1280

4. Do you need a portable or desktop replacement laptop?

being that i play games at work i need something to help me play something better than browser based games.

5. How much battery life do you need?

at least 4 hrs

6. Do you want to play games with your laptop? If so then please list the games that you want to with the settings that you want for these games. (Low,Medium or High)?

not decided which games probably fps and maybe diablo

7. What other tasks do you want to do with your laptop? (Photo/Video editing, Etc.)

just general web surfing maybe a little programming, video editing

8. How much storage (Hard Drive capacity) do you need?

storage is not than significant based on the larger storage on a laptop over prices them compared to self upgrades.

9. If you are considering specific sites to buy from, please post their links.

i would rather pick it in person but if anything maybe newegg or amazon. other sites from what ive seen is WAY over priced (tigerdirect, exoticpc gentech) i did find one asus model in bestbuy

10. How long do you want to keep your laptop?

at least 5 yrs. i have multiple laptops ranging from 10 yrs and less. i know how to maintain my stuff.

11. What kind of Optical drive do you need? DVD ROM/Writer,Bluray ROM/Writer,Etc ?

dvd writer is sufficient

12. Please tell us about the brands that you prefer to buy from them and the brands that you don't like and explain the reasons.

i was considering asus based on there cooling tech and how they run piping on both sides of their mainboards. now i am starting to lean towards msi because their sound software/hardware is superior to asus and price is a little bit more reasonable based on hardware in general and i was wondering if a raid 0 in laptop for gaming is really necessary ssd+hdd or 2x ssd + hdd

13. What country do you live in?

ny usa

14. Please tell us any additional information if needed.
i am a little skeptical of both brands. reasons for this is asus is the manufacturer of eee pc's and based on hp's performance with compaq as there lesser brand and hp still being junk i was wondering if asus is on the same train. my issue with msi is there popularity is slim and from what i know in the past their mainboards were always hit or miss. ( either it worked flawlessly or it had continuous issues. )

another point. why are the asus g74 series so much more pricier than the g75's based on tech ?

to speed things along i will post two links of exactly what i am looking at.
GE70 0ND-033US

this one is listed at 1299 no raid gtx660m 750g hdd
compare it to
g75vw ds71

and for the better versions
msi listprice 2k
GT70 0NC-011US

compared to

g75vw ds72

have fun looking at them and please help me decide. thank you. :bounce:

in the end both are reliable but i think asus is a better of a brand if you are trying to build a hardcore gaming PC because they are better with overclocking
The msi is just a bit better in graphics.. the msi looks allot better on the out side and the light up keyboard if you like that um pretty much the msi is better then the asus from what i can see...
forget about the brand and look for a laptop with a good graphics card like ,gtx 580m,gtx570m, hd 7800m ,hd7900,HD 6900m
i am sure you will find all your other features you want with a laptop with good graphics card
only high end laptops come with good graphics card

what do you think i did picked the best brand.... no i went through to see what he wants and the best performance he/she can get and the msi was the best and forget about brand so you would put none name brands in your pc i don't think so stick with name brand laptops...
i picked these brands based on performance and longevity, you cant put a good graph chip in a bad build and expect it will excel, and i have read that the 670 is an overclocked 570, and yet the 660m would generate less heat and be able to out perform the the 670 if overclocked but im not interested in doing that just yet., my guess is i would go with the 660m based on the fact the main issue with ALL laptops is heat. if you have a better suggestion of a laptop i would be glad to hear it. i appreciate the answers so far but you all seem to be overlooking a few details in the questions i asked in the beginning of the post. now both brands are pretty much almost identical with a few things that differ but i am also asking about the way they are constructed. is the raid more superior than just a single hdd when it comes to gaming or just a redundant feature ? is asus's coolin really that much more superior to others? i most likely would go for the two first links since they are more budget friendly i placed the others as another comparison of how each company is manufacturing there builds.

now we're getting somewhere. thank you for that bit of info, so if i had a ssd for bootup and a 7200rpm hdd for back up and regular installs, would that still be classified as a problematic raid?
all companies like asus and msi do make watered down versions of their products because thats the way crappy companies like HP work. i have always had products by both and none of them have failed on me yet. and i had an MSI GPU and it was the only GPU i had where the fan on it never failed
you cant make raid if you dont have the same tow HDDs , for example, it dont work with one seagate 500 GB and 500gb western ,both of them must be the same brand and have the same capacity
and to make them work on raid mode you have to enter RAID bios first to setup RAID

so being that you own both brands which one do you prefer. after reading numerous reviews on new egg the asus is looking alot better just one problem with them is the sound but a software update would easily correct that. i saw one person say the msi's run hot. that right there deters me a little from the msi.

thank you for that clarification. i also found out that removing the back panel from msi's in order to upgrade anything like hdd or ram it voids the warranty. thats another strike for msi

in the end both are reliable but i think asus is a better of a brand if you are trying to build a hardcore gaming PC because they are better with overclocking
Hello my name is Jeffrey and I work for ASUS Customer Loyalty Team

Any brand laptop if you open the case will void the warranty. I am not sure with MSI but the ASUS gaming laptop has doors for the 2 HDD bays and the RAM so you will not void your warranty if you make any kind or upgrade.

yeah but the g75 ds71 has one big panel with one screw which i would assume houses the hdd bays and ram. in msi's case accessing this would be a void of warranty. but anyway, since i have your attention, in this particular model would i benefit more from a gtx 660 or gtx 670 for $200 more, im still conflicted on which chip is better based on heat production, longevity and overall handling without overclocking. i do know the gtx 670 has 1 gig more of dedicated ram but ive been through so many forums that go back and forth on the two chips with plus and minus's that i just dont knowwhich one is worth it, or if i should just go for a g74 with a 560 or 570? i would prefer a newer model but i also want something reliable and obviously my moneys worth.
uh oh. they pulled the one with the 670 off the newegg site. 😵 which only leaves me to see what happens to the others. ive already been seeing refurbs out on the market. guess im gonna wait a bit and see what happens when the smoke starts to settle. but as far as i know the fire is just beginning to burn. i really wanted that one from newegg, it was such a deal just a 500g hdd and 8 gig of ram and boom $$3-400 cheaper. 🙁 poof just like houdini its gone.