ASUS zonar optical in from cable box question


Feb 10, 2012
I have a favor to ask for EVERYONE with a inexpensive ASUS Zonar series sound card since they are much cheaper than a Sound Blaster Z if you could please hook up a cable box optical out to your computer and watch TV and see if lip sync is correct for me? I would be very grateful for some insight on whether or not the cheaper ASUS Zonar solutions could work on my 2 HTPC's so I do not purchase a Zonar card and just have to return it with nothing wrong with it besides it will not playback optical in with a small enough delay that lip sync when watching TV is not noticeable at all. Thanks very much ahead of time for anyone that is already doing this or attempts it for me. As you can see in the paragraph below the PCIE Sound Blaster Z will do it but they are more expensive than the cheaper PCIE ASUS Zonars.

I have a LG 34UM95 34" 3440-1440 monitor hooked to SLI'ed EVGA GTX 770 4GB Classified ACX cards that will do SBS cable TV and the computer at the same time and I wanted to use my new/old 2.1 system to listen to TV and was told by a few people that there would be a delay in the sound goind from the optical out on the cable box to the optical in on my SB Z. I had a optical cable and hooked it up and it works flawlessly with absolutely no noticeable delay and lip sync is perfect...but if I turn on the monitors speakers and combine it with the 2.1 system it has a very very slight Hollow sound so it does have a tiny bit of delay but it is not noticeable at all when just using the 2.1 SB Z solution.


Feb 10, 2012
I know that:) it was just a test to see if there was any delay at all and it confirmed there was a delay but it was so small it does not affect your viewing experience.
I just did not want to mislead anyone with my statement that it had no delay at does have a delay just not long enough to notice.