C ChadN Estimable Aug 22, 2015 1 0 4,510 Aug 24, 2015 #1 Do you guys know which one has better audio quality, don't care about the price
C Cons29 Distinguished Feb 10, 2010 342 0 19,010 Aug 24, 2015 #2 at2035 is a step up from at2020 correct? i know blue spark is well known. same with 2035 my vote would go with 2035, the XLR version (you'll need an audio interface though). i am not an expert though. if it's usb, then 2035 still Upvote 0 Downvote
at2035 is a step up from at2020 correct? i know blue spark is well known. same with 2035 my vote would go with 2035, the XLR version (you'll need an audio interface though). i am not an expert though. if it's usb, then 2035 still