Best Laptop from 300-600$ range??


Jun 30, 2012
I am lost when it comes to laptops nowadays. Havnt kept up with technology, So im just wondering whats the best laptop in this price range?
Sony Vaio S 13.3" and 15.5"
Vizio Notebooks
Asus N56VZ if you can find it under 900.
Asus Zenbook

Basically we have no idea what you want to be able to do with your laptop. Best is relative for each person's needs!
Ya srry wasnt specific, alright well my price range caps at 900 if possible, just need a nice slick laptop for quick general usage with HD view. Im no computer tech and wont be doing much extensive work. Really just need it for general entertainment , emailing/book keeping for work and thats about it. But for 900$ i would like for it to be a worthy entertainment system that is reliable,efficient battery, and something I wouldnt replace anytime soon. Also i do like the macbook, but i mean the pricing is just ridiculous and the specs arent as great for entry lvl ones. What i like most about it is the simple compact look. Something along those lines
Do you know what kind of screen size you are looking at and how big of a deal is portability?

I think you might like the Lenovo Thinkpad T430 (or really any of the T series) or the Thinkpad Edge series laptops.

The Dell XPS 14z is probably a really good fit - you can find deals for it at places like and it was on Newegg but I cannot find it anymore.

The Asus R500 and maybe Asus X53.

The Sony Vaio S 15" is good if you want something that the nicest screen in this price range but lacks in audio quality. (I would look at their clearance models to save some money).