I am currently in search for the best lightweight gaming laptop currently out there. Price is not a problem I just want the best there is. I am very strict with the weight as I want it to be less than 5 lbs as much as possible and I also would like it if the screens were as big or bigger than 13-14 inches. For me, it's hard to game with small screens. Currently, I'm looking at this: http/store.sony.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&productId=8198552921666449851#specifications
Although I'm not so sure if that Intel graphics card is so good since I heard that AMD graphics cards are a lot better. Any suggestions? <5 lbs please.
Although I'm not so sure if that Intel graphics card is so good since I heard that AMD graphics cards are a lot better. Any suggestions? <5 lbs please.