best setup recommendations


Dec 20, 2013
after buying the jbl 305p mk2 studio monitor speakers
i want you to recommend the very best amp/dac headphone combo i can use with the following items

i want to hook up the new playstation 5
and the new xbox x series console
plus a panasonic 820 4k player
i want to add 2 sets of headphones to it if possible as well

also a huwaii mate 20 pro i want to play music from my phone through the sytem as well

i no on your website you recommended the focusrite scarlett solo 3rd generation dac

buti belive that i wont be able to connect all the items i have to it not enougth connections

would the fiio k5 pro do the trick in connnecting all the items above if so would this be the best option in geting the very best sound quality from the gadgets i have
i paticulary like my shootem up and action blazing extremely heavy bass games and horror and sci fi games
plus same for films i like my blockbuster movies all out gun totting movies with real explosive hitting bass action films horror films suspence films thriller films

i also like my music as well i like pop heavy metal hip hop rave house music techo r&b classical opera funk in that order
i like hard hitting drums then guitar then electric version then piano electronic keyboard flute organ saxaphone in that order

now can you tell im considering the sony mdr 7506 heaphones you recommend with the jbl 305p headphones
or can you recommend the very best sounding 2 sets of headphones i want to use a 7.1 gaming headset that would give me the very best sound quality and bass with the latest sound codecs as well and a very high quality audiophile set of headphones with this setup as well i can use with this setup taking into account i like my hi octane gunz blazing films first
then i like my actuon blazing heavy bass games/pop heavy metal with real hard hitting bass combonation 2nd
also is it possible to add two if not 1 subs to this setup that can go very low in hz for extreme bone jarring extreme heavy impact explosions and for special efects if so what subs would you highly recommend to do the job give me full name of the 2 subwofers make and model please if i can only add 1 sub please verify if i could use either 2 subs 1 subwoofer or none to this setup
also if the fiio k5 pro can handle all the connections
is there another amp/dac headphone combo you can highly recommend that will give me the very best sound quality of all the items i have listed thanks
plus what would be the very best cables to use with this setup give me a full list of cables i need for this setup
and also i have a audio technica lx60 usb turntable as well
plus i have a rega rp1 turntable plus a rega 3 turntable as well which do you recommend to use with this setup
or can you think of a even better turntable to use with this setup
and the best microphone to use with this setup as well
and can you give me a full detailed explenation how to wire it all up plus diagrams where to place the cables
and to fully set it up thanks marcus please let me no asap
For that many devices you really need to get a receiver not just a small use DAC. Most DACs are setup for use for several devices, but usually for different connection types.

How did you even look at the FiiO K5 for your use, it's has like 1/5th of the connections you are looking to use.

Return the powered speakers, buy a receiver with non-powered speakers, connect everything to the receiver, including your turntables.

Computer, two consoles, disk player, two record players, multiple headphones, you need a large box.

Something like this one

For all of your questions, including wiring, you will be able to sort out from the receiver manual.
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