Solved! Best solution webworkings says to go to home screen, but there is no "Menu" on the home page. No "Applications" there either.

Dec 9, 2018
Best solution webworkings says to go to home screen, but there is no "Menu" on the home page. No "Applications" there either.
If you are saying your own Amazon Fire 7 isn't staying connected (which is a guess since you still haven't actually said that directly) then the only other thing I can say is either...

1. There is a flaw in the device's hardware that you would need to contact them about.
2. There is an update needed to the devices OS.
3. There is an app on the device that is interfering with the connection. Which means to resolve you would need to remove said app.

4. There is a virus or malware on the device that needs to be removed.
5. There is a problem with the devices OS and you would need to do a reset of the tablet to resolve it. (Which means back up your stuff first.)

6. The WiFi you are trying to connect to, the internet connection is going...
Hmmm, without knowing what other post you are referring to, and what device this is about, or what problem you are having, no one would be able to assist. Also, there is no other post from you, so I am assuming you saw this on another person's thread?

Please give more details on what is happening, exactly.

Well, then, so this is what happens when you reply to another post? Hmm, strange way for a website to work.
I was reading on a post by webworkings about how it is that my Amazon Fire 7 will connect to wifi for about 120 seconds only. One of the suggestions is to go to the Home screen and find the Menu link, which isn't there. Once at this phantom Menu, one is supposed to go to Applications. Webworkings isn't the only one making this suggestion, so I suppose it is for some older Fire operating system.
To reply to the post you have to submit an answer or post an answer within that thread. If you choose anything else, then it creates a whole new thread.

I actually am webworkings.

I don't know the post you are referring to, but I am going to guess it is a tad older. Things change over time, especially with tech, so older post info may not work for newer devices. Hence it is always good to start a new thread for your own device and issues.

This still doesn't explain though if you have a problem you need help with, or were just looking to add a comment to the thread you had been looking at.
Amazon Fire 7 does not stay connected to wifi. Many answers all over the internet give the same solutions, none of which work. THey often say to follow the instrucitons I already mentioned, but the path is not on this device. Any working solutions would be greatly appreciated.
If you are saying your own Amazon Fire 7 isn't staying connected (which is a guess since you still haven't actually said that directly) then the only other thing I can say is either...

1. There is a flaw in the device's hardware that you would need to contact them about.
2. There is an update needed to the devices OS.
3. There is an app on the device that is interfering with the connection. Which means to resolve you would need to remove said app.

4. There is a virus or malware on the device that needs to be removed.
5. There is a problem with the devices OS and you would need to do a reset of the tablet to resolve it. (Which means back up your stuff first.)

6. The WiFi you are trying to connect to, the internet connection is going in and out causing the drop on more sensitive devices (happens a lot) and you would need to contact the ISP about this.

7. The modem/router needs to be reset (turned off and back on).