Best TV for around $250-$350

So many Brands use Samsung's display's, your basically paying for the name and firmware inside of the screen. If your using it as just a PC monitor or games pretty much anything you can use a number of programs to adjust it to your perfect picture like powerstrip or AMD CC suite.
If its more for TV and blue-rays I'd go for a brand with a good record of customer service and reliability with plenty of menu options to adjust your picture. I have a Toshiba 50" I use mainly for a monitor no cable I dl anything I watch and It is probably the best picture I have personally seen because I was able to tweak it the way I wanted to using programs like I mentioned earlier.
I personally would go Vizio, they make a solid product for the best price's. LG has seemed to get their head out of their ass recently their colors seem to pop and hold true. Samsung seem's to give you a lot of picture calibration options and their website is easy to use and you can get updates fairly easy. Their community seems to be very involved and are ready to help much like this one. So that's MHO. Seriously I did my research on HD's for about 2 weeks 6 hrs a day and those statements I gave you about the displays and stuff are my conclusion's.

Oh Seiki was the first company to release a 4k tv comercially I believe so there must be something to them.
thanks danscan, this post was actually a mistake, but thanks though. I have another post which describes what i wanted. I meant $250-$350 w/ tax. LED, 1080p and somewhere around 32" if you could still help that would be great, because on the other thread, the guy is suggesting monitors
Had to throw in a Toshiba :)
This one is $9 over your limit but its 120Mhz the other one was 60Mhz It may not be true 120Mhz but not many tv's are and you CAN tell a difference between 60 and 120 whether its true 120 or not.
$10 out of your said range but its Vizio and again solid product's
I don't know anything about this company but its cheap
Largest screen for your budget

Uhh check out the links I sent I believe most if not all are LED's, Also some are refurbs but I have never had a problem buying refurbs. Oh I do suggest staying away from Westinghouse great picture but they go out fairly easy. Monitor huh? I would only go monitor if you are a HARDCORE gamer. Otherwise don't bother. Almost all media is still in the 24fps rate monitors are overkill IMHO. If I was going to upgrade(this is me for me) Im going 2k-4k HD. Awesome for games and awesome for media they only come big as well.

If you go monitor this would be the only kind I would suggest. BenQ is extremely popular among gamers. Oh I wanted to mention, Why sacrifice screen size if you aren't gonna use it for games? PC games I mean, X-box 1 and PS4 consoles only use frame rates for HDTV's so again smaller screen for all kinds of admittedly cool adjustments and able to refresh faster but you won't ever need or use them. BIGGER screen pretty picture 'nuff said