I think you are far wrong Wixman, jumping on the media inflated OMG Bad Stuff "sells news papers" POV as your perception of What Is, that point of view is truly shortsighted. Lots of legitimate businesses also operate there.
Though to your point in meaning of those particular marketplaces within TOR - not used those and could be right in those Particular instances.
- can also argue that too:
Even then you have corrupt Govs telling you what you can and cannot do based on laws created by them as Wrong as Nixon wanting to clear away Peace Protestors during the Vietnam War and making cannabis illegal to do so as his administration noticed a high % of them smoked it. (before making cannabis illegal in law he could not legally remove them)
- people are looking for ways around what Should be Illegal oppression.
- Yet you appear to stand Beside such acts and happy to be told what you should Think by your corrupt officials?
I feel sorry for you mate
The official banks and governments are already ripping us off Big Time for amounts that make this look like pocket change. If You did what they do now, you would be thrown in jail So Fast !!!!!!!!
- The banks lend FAR more out that they have to lend.
- Governments print money when they feel like it, UK did this not so long back - raising inflation (same as taking money directly out of your account).
You or I do those things = Extremely illegal. But that is the way the system works on a day to day basis.
People are looking for ways to get away from that too. Something like BitCoins could be a freedom from that.
Wake up and create your future the way it Should be and stop living as pawns to greedy idiots.