Solved! Block a lost laptop

Hello roselynmay;

You can't track a stolen laptop. You can't stop anyone else from using it.
Any information stored on the laptop is accessible by the person now controlling it.

Change the passwords on any account you may have used your old laptop to access.
If you use 'automatic' passwords for things like email or banking your laptop 'remembers' those for who ever now has control of the laptop.

Laptop Stolen: How to Protect Your Identity After Theft
Hello roselynmay;

You can't track a stolen laptop. You can't stop anyone else from using it.
Any information stored on the laptop is accessible by the person now controlling it.

Change the passwords on any account you may have used your old laptop to access.
If you use 'automatic' passwords for things like email or banking your laptop 'remembers' those for who ever now has control of the laptop.

Laptop Stolen: How to Protect Your Identity After Theft