Last year I bought a pair of Bose Soundtrue earbuds, and was really impressed with the sound quality, which was a huge leap ahead of my Apple EarPods. I decided to upgrade again last month and got the Philips M1MKII headphones. They weren't the most discussed headphones by any means, but they got pretty solid reviews. When they arrived i took them out of the box, plugged them into my iPad, and was disappointed by the sound quality. At half volume, they sounded noticeably worse and more reserved than the SoundTrues. I had to turn them up almost all the way to get the performance I was looking for. Still, I feel like I'm doing something wrong, and that I could get better performance out of it. I know that earbuds are easier to drive than headphones, and so I've been looking at amps/DACs. I found one that seems to be pretty decent for the price, but I'm not sure if it would make a difference.
So, my questions are:
1. Can I make my headphones sound better?
2. Will this amp make my headphones sound better?
I listen to music on my PC (Dell inspiron 3847) and my iPad
So, my questions are:
1. Can I make my headphones sound better?
2. Will this amp make my headphones sound better?



I listen to music on my PC (Dell inspiron 3847) and my iPad