Hi I have an ASUS g53SW-XN1 I recently bought from Newegg.com. I was wondering, does anyone know if K can upgrade my gfx card in the future if I wanted to?? I know I can upgrade the HDD and I think I can the RAM. But as newer and better games come out with more demanding power each fricken month I was wondering if I could ever upgrade in the future if needed?? Right now I have a NVidia GTX 460m which fits me perfectly fine and I can play several games on full 1080p on ultra settings with no prob. But Can I upgrade that in the future? I know that it might not work with with my mobo or it might get to hot, or the psu might not be enough (which I know already, I cant play any game w/o the damn brick plugged into the wall). IS there anyone in these forums that would know this kind of information? HAHA anyways can I upgrade??? Thanks