You don't realize how much all this stuff really costs. Cable companies ARE in business to make a profit, if they weren't, there would be no point to offering service of any kind - but they get nickle-and-dimed before you ever do. Everything costs money. You have to pay for each channel per sub, per month, to receive it, you get told how you can bundle it into your lineup, and you get forced to carry channels nobody wants. Then you have to pay transport fees every month on every box you put out. You have to pay for the guide software for every box that goes out, every month. You have to pay a fee to a provisioning vender for every account, every month, so that you can control your boxes. Then the boxes themselves cost a small fortune. Most Dual or Quad tuner DVRs are 400-500 dollars each, secondary boxes can be up to 200 dollars each. You can't just give them away, you have to offset that cost somehow.
Then, you get these broadcasters, that are now charging YOU By Proxy, for something they offer freely over the air. Because no cable company can absorb the cost for what they want paid every month, without passing the cost on to you. So don't blame the cable company for rate increases, blame the programmers and broadcasters, who have all the cable co's by the nutsack, thanks to Congress's Telecom act of 1996.
TWC isn't just thumbing its nose at CBS in this matter, its risking significant fines from the FCC for shutting off what is likely a "must carry" meaning they don't have a choice but to carry the CBS affiliate. They also cannot refuse to pay CBS either, no matter what they charge. Thats the crux of the problem here, and why this is really a big deal.