Cerevellum Add-On Promises Safer Bike Rides

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Maybe bikers should stick to side walks and avoid the street for once. We didn't pay taxes for that great new side walk only to be forced to slow down and almost get in an accident when a retarded "pro" biker thinks he has the right to be on the road.

An accident on side walk with a biker vs a walker might end with broken bones, but an accident on a street with a biker vs a car ends far worse.

Every day home from work there is some retard biking on a major street during rush hour. He's really just asking to be turned into a pancake, I'd never put my life in others hands like that. I person on their cell phone not paying attention to the road = you dead.

A girl entering information in her GPS wiped me out. I had a lot of lacerations on my face and I'll eventually have plastic surgery. I have some damage to my spine but maybe it won't be a problem, and I still have some back pain.
Biking on the sidewalk is illegal. Perhaps you should brush up on the rules of the road before you start bashing others for obeying them (regardless of how much sense they make)!

$500 seems a bit steep for a product like this. While it's a niche product that employs newer technology, the people that would benefit most are the less-experienced casual bikers, who probably don't spend more than $500 on the bike itself, let alone add-ons.

Bikers are supposed to ride on the streets so they don't take out pedestrians. Of course, since bicycles are unlicensed, and most municipalities don't enforce traffic laws with cyclists, they often ignore them, only to later find themselves meeting motor vehicle traffic...
For me I like to ride on the road because my avg speed on a bike is about 30 KPH. On a nice flat road I can speeds of 40 to 50 KPH. Now if I was moving that fast on a side walk and I hit someone I will do a lot more damage to both of us then just a few broken bones.
[citation][nom]proxy711[/nom]Maybe bikers should stick to side walks and avoid the street for once.[/citation]

As others have said you need to brush up on the law. Bikes are supposed to be on the streets, not sidewalks. OTH bikers who ignore traffic signals and other traffic laws don't help matters for cars or other bikers.
[citation][nom]mattak[/nom]As others have said you need to brush up on the law. Bikes are supposed to be on the streets, not sidewalks. OTH bikers who ignore traffic signals and other traffic laws don't help matters for cars or other bikers.[/citation]
While you are 100% correct, most bikers don't realize that aside from having to obey the posted car speed limit they are subject to the exact same rules as cars and motorcycles. In other words, 99% of the information in the DMV drivers manual for your state applies to bikers. This includes biking WITH traffic and NOT against traffic. Don't tell me I'm wrong unless you can post a link to prove me otherwise.
[citation][nom]mattak[/nom]As others have said you need to brush up on the law. Bikes are supposed to be on the streets, not sidewalks. OTH bikers who ignore traffic signals and other traffic laws don't help matters for cars or other bikers.[/citation]Why is there a need for everyone to tell this guy what he needs to do? Obviously, he needs to brush up on knowing his laws but I don't think there is any reason to just call him out on it. Why not just correct him? Or offer a correction? It's so annoying to see everyone doing this. JMO
I used to see bikers with dental mirrors taped to their helmets, as a rear-view mirror. Kinda funny-looking but a lot less expensive than this $500 device..

On the route I usually take home from work, which is two lanes each way with a median, I usually see a bunch of bikers in groups. Most cars just take it in stride and wait to merge into the left lane to get around them, but there's the occasional a$$hole who feels obligated to honk or otherwise gesture at them. Those motorists are just asking for a broken mirror 😛.
There are also small mirrors that cyclists clip to their glasses.
I am glad to see though, that the majority understands that yes, cyclists do have equal rights to be on the road, and are also responsible for obeying traffic laws.
I'd love this but my bike only cost me $300. Maybe a mirror is for me. I guess anyone really worried about drag on a bike is the perfect audience for this piece of opulence.
***While you are 100% correct, most bikers don't realize that aside from having to obey the posted car speed limit they are subject to the exact same rules as cars and motorcycles. In other words, 99% of the information in the DMV drivers manual for your state applies to bikers. This includes biking WITH traffic and NOT against traffic. Don't tell me I'm wrong unless you can post a link to prove me otherwise.***


dmv rules, such as speed limits, do not apply to anything other than, wait for it, motor vehicles, that's why it's called "the department of motor vehicles", the rules do not apply to a guy on a skateboard, bicycle, horse or running down the street, since they don't have, wait for it again, motors.
[citation]DMV rules, such as speed limits, do not apply to anything other than, wait for it, motor vehicles, that's why it's called "the department of motor vehicles", the rules do not apply to a guy on a skateboard, bicycle, horse or running down the street, since they don't have, wait for it again, motors.[/citation]

Actually DMV rules apply to ANY vehicle on the road, regardless of whether there's a motor or not.

Don't know what state you're in, but since TOM's is in Cali, here's the relevant Cali Law

Every person riding a bicycle upon a street or highway has all the rights and is subject to all the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle, including the provisions of law dealing with driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs, except those provisions which by their very nature can have no application.
you bikers can say you have the right to be on the road, but it doesn't do you much good when you are dead or crippled. Thats why I stopped riding a long time ago, seen too many people killed or hurt.
[citation][nom]deadrats[/nom]***While you are 100% correct, most bikers don't realize that aside from having to obey the posted car speed limit they are subject to the exact same rules as cars and motorcycles. In other words, 99% of the information in the DMV drivers manual for your state applies to bikers. This includes biking WITH traffic and NOT against traffic. Don't tell me I'm wrong unless you can post a link to prove me otherwise.***@techguy378dmv rules, such as speed limits, do not apply to anything other than, wait for it, motor vehicles, that's why it's called "the department of motor vehicles", the rules do not apply to a guy on a skateboard, bicycle, horse or running down the street, since they don't have, wait for it again, motors.[/citation]
Maybe you should actually read my comment before replying. I specifically said the posted car speed limit does NOT apply to bikes. Maybe I should have put it in ALL CAPS SO YOU WOULD SEE IT BETTER.
[citation][nom]deadrats[/nom]***While you are 100% correct, most bikers don't realize that aside from having to obey the posted car speed limit they are subject to the exact same rules as cars and motorcycles. In other words, 99% of the information in the DMV drivers manual for your state applies to bikers. This includes biking WITH traffic and NOT against traffic. Don't tell me I'm wrong unless you can post a link to prove me otherwise.***@techguy378dmv rules, such as speed limits, do not apply to anything other than, wait for it, motor vehicles, that's why it's called "the department of motor vehicles", the rules do not apply to a guy on a skateboard, bicycle, horse or running down the street, since they don't have, wait for it again, motors.[/citation]

You might want to take the time to read the laws in your state. In most, if not every state, bicyclists are required to follow ALL of the laws set for "motor vehicles". For instance, in the state of Virginia, Bicyclers are required to use the appropriate lane of travel. Bicyclers are required to maintain a safe speed, while not exceeding the posted speed limit, for the road they're travelling on. Bicyclers are required to signal prior to lane changes, stopping or turning. Bicyclers are required to obey all posted highway signs. Our DUI laws even apply to bicycles.....and riding lawnmowers...

Also, in most states, they're not refered to as "motor vehicle laws" they're simply refered to as "vehicle laws" or "transportation laws".

[citation][nom]techguy378[/nom]Maybe you should actually read my comment before replying. I specifically said the posted car speed limit does NOT apply to bikes. Maybe I should have put it in ALL CAPS SO YOU WOULD SEE IT BETTER.[/citation]

Better read your state laws...because in most states, it DOES apply to bicycles.
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