Changed laptop motherboard 3 times still no power


Nov 13, 2014
I have a customer that brought in a Gateway laptop that he had lent it to his grandson and when it was returned there was no power at all. No LED lights or anything even when battery was pulled out and only charger plugged in. The board was totally dead. A replacement was so cheap ($29.99) that I opted to just replace the mobo. When the board came in I installed it just as I have hundreds of other boards everything hooked up correctly. When I plugged it in there was still no activity from the LED's. I contacted the company that sold me the mobo and they sent me another one and double tested it before shipping. Again I installed it and there is nothing when plugged in. Dead... no activity at all... nothing. I tried different working chargers and have tried to pull the battery and hold the power button for a minute then plug the charger in and still nothing. What could it be?